The Beauty of a Handwriten Card

The Beauty of a Handwriten Card

Posted on the 10th of April, 2023.

As an illustrator of watercolour whimsical florals, I have always loved the beauty of hand-written cards. There's something special about the way my watercolour designs appear on the textured card that can bring a smile to someone's face. In this blog post, I want to share with you the importance of communication through hand-written cards, the brief history of this cherished tradition, and why it's essential to continue it today.

The Handwritten Card

Hand-written cards have been a cherished tradition for centuries. In ancient times, people used papyrus and clay tablets to communicate with one another. Later, handwritten letters and cards became a popular way to send personal messages. With the advancement of technology and a new wave of tablets, we have become more reliant on digital communication, but the beauty of hand-written cards should not be forgotten.

It is Not Just a Message it is an Experience…

The tactile experience of holding a card and reading a personal message creates a deeper emotional connection than a digital message ever could. The process of choosing and sending a hand-written card involves thoughtfulness and effort that shows the recipient how much they are valued. It demonstrates that the sender took the time to think of the recipient and put thought into the message. It's a small gesture that can mean so much to the person receiving it.

Individual and Unique

Moreover, hand-written cards can be a form of art. Many artists, myself included, create beautiful and unique cards that are not only functional but also pieces of art that can be kept as a keepsake for many years to come or framed as a daily reminder of the thoughtfulness behind the card. These cards showcase the artist's skill and creativity, offering a unique experience for the recipient. When you send a hand-written card, you're sending a message and a piece of art that can be treasured and appreciated.

Meaningful Message

Furthermore, hand-written cards offer an opportunity for self-expression. Writing a personal message can be cathartic and help us express our feelings in a way digital communication cannot. The act of writing by hand has been shown to have therapeutic benefits, and it can help us connect with our emotions and express them more effectively. Writing a heartfelt message in a hand-written card can help us connect with our emotions and show the recipient how much we care.


In addition to the emotional benefits, hand-written cards can also be a sustainable choice. Digital communication has a significant carbon footprint, with the energy used to power servers and devices, as well as the disposal of electronic waste. Hand-written cards, on the other hand, are a sustainable option that can be recycled or reused. Additionally, by supporting artists who create eco-friendly cards, we can contribute to the preservation of our planet.

Culture and Etiquette

Hand-written cards also offer an opportunity to learn about different cultures and traditions. In many cultures, sending hand-written cards is an important part of communication, and each culture has its unique style and etiquette. Learning about these traditions can broaden our cultural horizons and help us connect with people from different backgrounds. While sending a hand-written card is a universal way to communicate, there are cultural differences in the way that it is done. For example, in some cultures, it is customary to include a gift or monetary offering with a card, while in others, it is considered inappropriate or even offensive to do so.


Another example of cultural differences in card etiquette is the use of specific language or symbolism. For instance, in Japan, the act of gift-giving and card-sending is a highly formalised and ritualised practice. The Japanese place great emphasis on the symbolism and meaning behind the gift and the card and the use of certain colours and motifs are carefully chosen to convey messages.

United States

Similarly, in the United States, there are certain conventions and expectations around the use of greetings and signoffs in cards. For example, it is common to use "Dear" as a greeting for more formal or professional cards, while "Hi" or "Hello" might be used for more casual or personal cards. Signoffs such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards" are often used for more formal or business-related cards, while "Love" or "Yours truly" might be used for more personal cards. 

United Kingdom

In the UK, sending a hand-written card is a popular and well-established tradition. It is customary to send cards to mark special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and holidays like Christmas and Easter. Additionally, it is common to send cards to express condolences, congratulations, or thanks.

Understanding these cultural differences in card etiquette can help us to avoid unintentional misunderstandings or offences and is an interesting subject to research further. By taking the time to research and learn about these differences, we can demonstrate respect and consideration for the cultural traditions and practices of others.

A Card for Every Occasion

Moreover, hand-written cards can be used for a variety of occasions, from birthdays and holidays to congratulatory messages and sympathy notes. By choosing a card that suits the occasion and the recipient's personality, we can create a more personalized and memorable experience. Hand-written cards also offer an opportunity for creativity, as we can choose cards with unique designs, colours, and textures that reflect the recipient's interests and personality.

Inspired by Nature

At my online store, The Inky Flower, I offer a range of hand-drawn and hand-painted cards that are perfect for any occasion. Each design is unique to me, ensuring that you'll be sending a one-of-a-kind message. My designs are inspired by the beauty of nature and feature whimsical florals, feathered friends, and visitors to the Great British Garden. Whether you're looking for a birthday card for your best friend or a sympathy note for a loved one, I have a design that's perfect for you and they are purposefully left blank inside for that beautifully handwritten message.

A Tradition That Has Stood the Test of Time

In conclusion, hand-written cards are a tradition that has stood the test of time for a reason. They offer a personal and intimate form of communication that cannot be replicated by digital means. Whether it's a simple "thank you" or a heartfelt message, sending a hand-written card demonstrates thoughtfulness, effort, and care for the recipient. It's a small gesture that can make a big impact, and it's something that we should continue to embrace and celebrate.

The Inky Flower

At The Inky Flower, I'm passionate about creating beautiful and unique cards that showcase the beauty of hand-drawn and hand-painted art. Each card is a work of art that offers a personalized and meaningful way to communicate. By choosing to support artists who create eco-friendly and sustainable cards, we can also contribute to the preservation of our planet.

Keep The Card Alive

In a world that is increasingly digital, it's important to remember the value and beauty of hand-written cards. Whether it's a special occasion or just a simple "thinking of you," sending a hand-written card is a wonderful way to connect with the people we care about. It's a tradition that I'm proud to continue, and I hope that more people will join me in keeping this cherished tradition alive. Thank you for reading, and I hope you'll check out my selection of high-quality greeting cards at 

Let’s Connect

Get a glimpse of the beautiful, whimsical outdoors no matter where you are. Please use the form below to contact me with any questions about my artwork, and I'll be in touch with you as soon as possible.